Jefferson Machamer
I'm pretty tired today. But, it's been a better day so far then yesterday. Still no sign of AF though. Though my sides have been hurting, and i've been having a general achy (small cramping type feeling too) in my lower abdomen. Not sure what it is. Could be anything from AF early signs, to a UTI, to a kidney infection. I can't go out and get another HPT because DH works all day, and the other car is in the garage on jackstands because DH decided to do something to it. Not quite sure what though. So i'm going to spend today just guessing I suppose. Though if I don't see her by Monday--i'm going to call my doctor, and see what he thinks. Though i'm sure he'll say something like, "it's normal to skip a period every once in awhile." I'll try and see if he'll run some tests, at least check for pregnancy, and/or UTI's.
Peace of mind, I guess.
I'm super excited for Halloween. (If you can't tell, by my Halloween decked out background. Haha.) My dad brought over the complete Friday the 13th movies, and the complete Halloween movie set. So i'm going to be watching those. I watched Cabin Fever 1 & 2 the other day, and let me tell you i'm not a big fan of necrosis--mostly because we have spiders that live out here that CAN do that to you. (Not as crazy gory as those movies, but same general idea) And I have been bit by one before. Luckily I got it in the early stage and all I needed was some antibiotics, anti venom, and some steroid type drugs. Jeez, I have bad luck with spiders. First brown recluse, then a black widow bite? Man oh Man.
DH and I made up. He wasn't mad at me he tried to turn it on my by saying I was mad at him. I wasn't mad at you honey--til you took off and didn't come back for nine hours! Men. How they can be reduced to babies. I really hope to have my sticky bean by Christmas. That's when we have our big family get together, and I'll have to see my very pg niece there for the first time since she got pg. I was hoping to be pg too, just so it doesn't sting as bad. I haven't really been able to talk to her since she got pg, because she got pg during my loss.
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