Sunday, September 26, 2010

I'm not going to start this one off with a quote just because i'm so danged pissed off! I took another test today BFN! AF is four days late and this is ridiculous! My AF symptoms kind of went away. Bbs don't really hurt anymore, nothing. I'm really just wanting my cycle to start so I can start the F over! The waiting game sucks. I'm going to call my doc tomorrow and see what they think. Make sure it's not a UTI or anything like that keeping her away. My sides have been aching pretty bad lately.

So just for fun I did another tarot reading last night, and got very clear Nov/Dec. I actually got that answer in several of the readings again, and sometimes twice in the same reading. So, we'll see. I'm putting my anger into cleaning, so in a break right now, but mostly scrubbing walls, and light switches listening to Linkin Park, Chevelle, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Rob Zombie. Though technically if I want to put myself in a good mood, I should really be listening to Incubus, or Radiohead but, I think the anger is doing some good at the moment.

Gonna try and relax the best I can tonight by watching True Blood, eating Chili, and perhaps putting myself in a sleeping pill induced coma--it works.

1 comment:

  1. That is really cool about your Tarot reading from last year :) I hope your new one is right, too. That's not long to wait at all :)
